Executive Committee(EC)
The EC is to act as the representative of each society and to act as a central governance body of the Symposium such as discussing and determining the "general guideline for APISAT operation" The EC meeting is held during the conference once a year.
The EC is composed of representatives nominated and selected from each society and chairman, and co-chairmen of the International Program Committee(IPC).
International Program Committee(IPC)
The IPC is to be responsible for the technical program organization (however, the draft program is organized by the host society).
It is composed of:
Chairman: nominated and selected from the host society
Co-chairmen: nominated and selected from other three societies (each society
nominates one person)
Member: one member is nominated and selected from each society.
National Organizing Committee(NOC)
Each society organizes the national organizing committee. The NOC of the hosting society is to be responsible for the organization and operation of the annual symposium. That of the other societies are supposed to promote APISAT locally, to nominate a plenary lecture speaker from each country and to nominate session chairpersons from each society complying with the host society
The NOC is composed of a chairman, a vice-chairman (if required), a secretariat and members. The number of members of the host society is normally 5 or more.
The chairman of the host society is called as a general chairman of APISAT-20**.